Mum, look! Alex is sewing on the telly!

Mum, look! Alex is sewing on the telly!

Let’s see which of you eagle eyes can spot me! Clue: I could not compete with Claudia on the fringe front, so I waited until after the show to have it cut.

So yeah, as a friend of mine just said, now that I have been ‘outed’ as a contestant of the Great British Sewing Bee (a sewing version of the Great British Bake Off, or the sewing Masterchef, for those in other countries), I should come out on my blog too. So ta dah, here’s me sewing on the BBC, or rather, if we go by the trailer, running, panicking and tearing up fabric (no, not in disgust because it wasn’t sustainable).

I can’t even begin to tell you how it was, but, bearing in mind that they show about 10% of what was filmed, can you imagine how intense, stressful, yet fun and mad it was? I might be spilling more beans as we go along on Twitter, @sewrendipity.

Best thing evs: my super awesome amazing bee friends, that I will love forever. They taught me that sewing people are the nicest, most supportive people and gave me the push to put myself out there and start the blog. So sewing people, please keep to your reputation and be as nice to us all after the show airs too :).

Sewing Bee Series 3 Cast

If you fancy watching us lot on the telly, the first episode is on BBC2 on Thursday 5th Feb at 8PM and after that on the iPlayer.

Happy viewing!

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  1. 28 January 2015 / 6:20 PM

    Wow Alex ! Congrats ! I got a text from a friend last night telling that the Sewing Bee was coming back this week -can’t wait to see it:)

    • Alex
      29 January 2015 / 7:53 AM

      Thanks Chris! I didn’t realise you can see it in Ireland too, hope you like it!

  2. 28 January 2015 / 6:35 PM

    Congrats! I have loved watching past seasons of the Great British Sewing Bee! I can’t wait to watch and see all of the things you’ll make and how far you get!

    • Alex
      29 January 2015 / 7:53 AM

      Thanks, Sarah! I hope you will like this one too, we made some craaaazy stuff this season!

    • Alex
      29 January 2015 / 7:52 AM

      Hope you will enjoy it! There were some very tough challenges!

      • 29 January 2015 / 7:59 AM

        I bet! I’m so impressed you went on it. Going to watch it on catch up ☺

  3. 28 January 2015 / 10:11 PM

    Eeeeeehhhh how exciting and how hard to keep quiet!! And continue to keep quiet until we all know what happens! I can’t wait to watch it!

    • Alex
      29 January 2015 / 7:51 AM

      Thanks Beth! The producers say it’s so so good, but they would say that, wouldn’t they :)? (I haven’t seen the final edit either). I’m excited and terrified at the same time. Hope you enjoy it!

  4. 28 January 2015 / 11:39 PM

    This is such amazing and wonderful news! Can’t wait to see how you get on.Will freezer bags feature?!

    • Alex
      29 January 2015 / 7:47 AM

      Thanks, Karen! It’s such a wonderful programme, but it was super tough, I’m telling you! And yes, I did have my pattern pieces for the made to measure challenge in freezer bags, but not sure if you’ll actually see them on tv 🙂

  5. 29 January 2015 / 11:54 AM

    I can’t wait to see the show Alex, and it’s very exciting that you’re in it, congratulations!

    • Alex
      29 January 2015 / 3:26 PM

      Thanks Sue! I have loads of non-sewing friends who will tune in, maybe we will get more converts? 🙂

  6. 2 February 2015 / 4:36 AM

    What?! omg! you’re like totally famous!!! can i have your autograph??! 😉

    • Alex
      2 February 2015 / 3:46 PM

      Ha ha, don’t be silly! I’m definitely not famous. But I hope to inspire more people to sew and think about their clothes in a more sustainable way. And the rest is just me, as I was before being on telly.

      • 2 February 2015 / 4:24 PM

        Ok you’re semi famous lol I’m sure lots of people will see you on that show! I’ll have to see if I can find it!

  7. Helen
    2 February 2015 / 8:09 AM

    Finally I can tell. !!!!
    Ohhh this was a long year to keep it secret. My dear Alex. I love your blog and I am so proud I had you as my student for all this years. I can see you soon coming out with much more interesting stuff for us to watch. Way to go girl.. thumbs up…

    • Alex
      2 February 2015 / 3:47 PM

      Thank you so much Helen! It means loads coming from you, especially since you know how far I’ve come (remember the puzzle dress :)))) ). This is a lot thanks to you too!

  8. Mihaela
    6 February 2015 / 1:28 AM

    Hi Alex, may I congratulate you deep from my heart for your GREAT courage and intelligence that you have shown by taking part in the BBC Sewing Bee! I’ve discovered you only tonight while watching the first episode on iplayer and felt so connected to you because I’m also originally from Romania (Cluj-Napoca), came here with work in 2001, married an Englishman, and learn to sew only 2 years ago…..I can barely wait to watch the next episodes and to discover more of your blog !!

    • Alex
      6 February 2015 / 5:48 PM

      Multumesc Mihaela! Courage, yes! Intelligence, not so sure :). Thank you for following my blog and for watching. And would love to chat more sewing, hope you’re enjoying it even more two years later :).

  9. 6 February 2015 / 7:24 PM

    Congratulations Alex. Did you make the dress you wore? You were definitely the most stylish contestant they had

    • Alex
      6 February 2015 / 7:46 PM

      Thank you Jane! Yes, I did! It’s a very simple dress, but the fabric made it special. Thank you for watching the show and visiting the blog!

  10. 6 February 2015 / 7:47 PM

    Oooh Alex I loved the dress you had on! Did you make it?! Xx

    • 6 February 2015 / 7:48 PM

      Just realised someone else asked the same thing at the same time!!! What pattern did you use? X

      • Alex
        6 February 2015 / 7:53 PM

        I hope I satisfied you both 😃. It’s a simple pull over A line dress, with bust darts and neck facings. It’s one of the big 4s, but can’t remember which one off the top of my head.

    • Alex
      6 February 2015 / 7:50 PM

      Thank you! Yes I did. The fabric is awesome, got it in Thailand a few years ago and was just waiting for the right pattern. I don’t usually do patterned, but fell for the geometry :).

  11. Katie
    9 February 2015 / 1:38 PM

    Watched the first episode online. The cherry-fabric you used is amazing. Do you know if it is still possible to get it? Where have you had it from?

    • Alex
      9 February 2015 / 2:28 PM

      Hi Katie! Thanks for visiting and the comment. Because of BBC regulations, I can’t direct you to the exact shop, but if you’re in London, you might want to have a look in Goldhawk Rd. However, the show was filmed last year, so the fabric might not be available any more.

  12. Cosmina
    11 February 2015 / 6:39 PM

    Bravoooooooooooo Alex!!!!!!!!!! Iti tin pumnii la GBSB si ma bucur foarte mult ca ai ajuns acolo! Esti tare! Iti tin galerie din Romania si sper sa te vad in finala! Mult succes!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Miriam
    7 March 2022 / 9:10 PM

    Hi Alex, I wondered if you can tell me your process for making your own torso mannequin? I notice you have something soft you can put pins into? I have thought about doing this but I’m not sure how or which materials to use. Thanks!

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