
Hi, I’m Alex, welcome to Sewrendipity!

I’m a style & sewing lover and a blogger aiming to live a more sustainable life in London, UK.

Sewrendipity - a blog about style, sewing and sustainability

And that’s not easy to achieve in a realistic way, living in a big city, with a 9-5 job and just as much willpower as the next person. I’m a regular gal like you, with selfish desires, weaknesses and guilts and definitely not an eco-warrior.

Still, I decided that doing something is better than doing nothing.

But where do you even start?

Well, I decided to start by taking control of my wardrobe – both me-made and shop-bought. Experiment with what I already own and style old things into outfits that feel like new.

Sew slower and make fewer clothes, but have just as much fun.

Sew with better, more sustainable fabrics and make my garments last.

When I buy things, learn what to look for and vote for the good brands with my cash.

My blog mission:

To provide inspiration, education and support for sewers and fashion lovers who want to live more sustainably, by sharing my style experiments, sewing passion and sustainability knowledge.

Ok, so what kind of posts can I expect here?

Very easy to remember the 3S:  STYLE | SEWING | SUSTAINABILITY

Right, now we’re all clear on the important stuff, let me tell you…

A bit about me…

I’m a Romanian in her mid 30s who has yet to lose the accent even after almost 10 years in London. My very British husband has managed to teach me all about living in good ol’ England, including how to queue correctly, how to complain about the weather, the right way to make tea and a lot of other essential survival skills over here.

I started sewing in 2009 as a care-free self-taught, and it completely took over my life. In 2014, I also applied, and got selected to be on Season 3 of the Great British Sewing Bee, and so I got to sew on the telly for a bit.

I started this blog (or rather its previous incarnation as a sewing-only blog) in 2014, to connect with likeminded sewing people and to prove to the world what I really can do after being eliminated from the Sewing Bee.

As with all things, over the years, I changed and the blog also evolved. Through a fantastic stroke of luck, I got my dream job in the sustainability team of my company (a retailer that also sells clothes) and I became more and more interested and informed about sustainable fashion.

[ctt template=”1″ link=”h9K98″ via=”no” ]Home sewing is not necessary sustainable in itself, but sewing with intent towards a meaningful wardrobe is.[/ctt]

So sewing also became my way of curbing my consumption (recovering fashionista here, so I’m not judging anyone) and since Jan 2015, I stopped buying RTW clothes and sewing my wardrobe myself.

Now, I felt it’s time to take the next step and rethink my approach to sewing, style and living more sustainably.

Still have questions?

Sewrendipity FAQs

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Before you go, I’d love it if you allowed me in your inbox from time to time.

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This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of the people, institutions or organizations that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly.
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1 Comment

  1. Alex
    30 January 2015 / 3:51 PM

    Multumesc, desi n-as spune chiar femeie de afaceri, ca inca lucrez la ‘patron’ :). Dar important e ca fac ce imi place si incerc sa salvez planeta cate putin, cate putin. Si mai si cos lucruri intre timp. Chiar ma gandeam zilele trecute la masina cu pedale a lui tanti Cosma si cum faceam noi elastice de par cand eram mici…

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